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File preparation

Thank you for visiting this page. Please pay attention to these materials. This will save your time in the future.

If you intend to submit files, we will send you an email with login and password to access our ftp.
After uploading files to ftp, please email to [email protected] or call +38(057)7175013.

Setup for Acrobat Distiller.
Download FactorDruk_new_300.joboptions (5 KБ)

PostScript printer.
Download Prinergy-Refiner.ppd (41 КБ)

Color profile for sheet-fed printing on coated paper with total ink limit 300%.
Download ISOcoated_v2_300_eci.icc (1 787 КБ)
Color profile for sheet-fed printing on offset paper with total ink limit up to 300%
Download PSO_Uncoated_ISO12647_eci.icc (1 787 Kb)
Color profile for web printing on newspaper with total ink limit 240%.
Download ISOnewspaper30v4.icc (702 КБ)
Color profile for web printing on LWC paper with total ink limit 300%.
Download PSO_LWC_Improved_eci.icc (1 787 Kb)
Color profile for web printing on SC (supercalendered) paper with total ink lim it 270%.
Download SC_paper_eci.icc (1 787 КБ)

Sincerely, prepress department Factor Druk printing house.